“Rúa Boulevard” (Ourense) - Radar wave calibration for measuring thickness values in pavement type S-12
The purpose is determining the radar wave velocity in pavement type S-12. For the calibration (velocity estimation), known thickness values of pavement are used. We know the thickness in 4 points:

Materials envolved: graded aggregate – bituminous macadam – hot bituminous mix type S-12.
Thickness (S-12 + macadam) = 17 cm

The data acquisition was made considering a trace interval of 0.1 s. The GPR survey was a combination of dynamic and static procedures. The GPR data was collected in static mode over those points where the thickness was known.
The velocity obtained was:
Mix S-12; v = 0.11 m/ns
Macadam; v = 0.10 m/ns
Macadam; v = 0.10 m/ns